Friday, April 7, 2023

Five Minute Breather


Manifesting Moments


An indirect shoutout via social media. Small statements in a limited number of lines that spoke so much truth, it would be easy to ignore. Chalk it up to the hierarchy of needing to focus on drama and not a shoutout to a friend that used to be, yet stepped away from what? A voice in their head telling them it was not right to be happy. Thank you panic inducing voices, we give too much of ourselves to everyday, for not allowing this to just be.

But this day, the sun is shining and playing peek-a-boo with the clouds, and I feel the call to walk into nature to just breathe in the peaceful energy and exhale the negative energy we condemn our minds to each day.

In the post I gave a vague idea as to where I’d be and if it was seen and what I thought to be friendship was once just that, then they would find me sitting on a sun bleached log, writing or reading or listening to the sound of nature's calls with an extra water just in case they caught on to the GPS coordinates, for a little Geocaching fun, of where I would be located.


Latitude 45° 02’ 56.40” N

Longitude -75° 58’ 22.80” W


Sitting on this sun-bleached log, at the side of a lake, enjoying the peeking sun. I couldn’t help but feel grateful for having this, even if my shout out came be alone in a world full of people rushing around can make you feel stuck, like you can’t breathe. But allowing the hectic world to pass around you as you enjoy a five-minute breather with someone you can be yourself with, that is a game changer, and today… Today is the day I may just have this breather with nature blocking out that constant shift all around me in their place.

I figured there was an eighty percent chance the post wasn’t seen, but as I do, I came with a backup plan. In my place a top this sun-bleached log I placed a simple token to claim my manifested stories place in my memories with a simple painted rock of the moon and stars with a time and date as to when I was there. Walking away I left everything else to fate.

These are the moments we live for. For they hold your heart and mind in a space of time allowing you to create stories to bring to the world and allow people a chance to wonder what it all really means.


Did they find it…I guess we shall see.

It started with the stars
Opportunity right before my eyes
Capturing my thoughts
As my imagination ran free
Releasing me from my stress
Which I tend to hold tight

Then came the moon
Glowing bright
Mesmerizing my soul
As it slowly moved across the night sky
Allowing me to be in the moment
Without counting time

Hand by my side
Itching to extend
To the shadow cast
By the porch light
In silents as I held my face
Toward the sky

Allowing me to just breath
Comforting me
Knowing even if I was alone
At that moment in time
You sat beside me

The Inevitable Silence

  Illustration from: The Lioness You can change your future. The Lioness: The Inevitable Silence Once there was a girl at heart, one that’s ...